This week we discussed how to setup a Google Analytics account and how to link our blog to this account. This is a very simple task and can be completed quite fast. Also, it only needs to be done once! This week, I also began to work my way through Google's Analytics Academy. This is a series of videos introducing users how to use Google Analytics. There are 22 videos within 6 units, each video is between 3 and 10 minutes. The goal at the end of this semester is to pass the Digital Analytics Fundamentals exam and receive the certification. Google believes analytics should be a central part of a business. It's important to understand if your efforts are working and how well an organization is performing. Google Analytics makes this possible and much simpler to do.
"The Google Analytics Academy provides a foundation for marketers and analysts seeking to understand the core principles of digital analytics and to improve business performance through better digital measurement."
The current online environment is currently driving change for business. Analytics is becoming more useful and needed to businesses. These are a few of major trends and how they're affecting businesses:
The Internet makes information and media available at the click of a button
Mobile connects nearly everyone 24/7
Cloud computing provides cheap, practically infinite computing power
The internet and mobile are contributing to a changing consumer journey. Consumers are empowered with information. They are able to go online and find a forum and discuss a product. They can read reviews, recommendations from experts, product reviews, and obtain information from other various sources online. The information they are seeking is instantly available.
Cloud computing has empowered organizations. Cloud computing allows organizations to analyze more data than before. Organizations can now collect data and analyze it to make effective decisions. They are also able to make better decisions based on the data and improve their results.
So, how are these trends affecting YOUR business?
This has created new opportunities for measurement, also has complicated how we measure the customer's journey. These changes have made it for practitioners of digital analytics. how their business infrastructure, the tools., processes , people, support this process. testing analyzing and improving.
These changes have created new opportunities for measurement. This is great, because we can now learn more about the customers. However, it has also complicated how we measure the customer's journey. Consumers have complete control. The purchase funnel as we once knew it is gone! Buyers can jump in at any stage (awareness, acquisition, engagement, conversion, retention.) Today, we will have more accurate information about our customers, but we will have to work a little harder to find them and please them. With the Analytics tools available to use we will be able to deliver satisfaction to the customers.
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