Perfecting the Conversion Process
Conversion is so critical because this is how to gain leads. Conversion can guide visitors to landing pages and become leads for your business. Conversion can turn an anonymous visitor into a lead. This is an opportunity to turn this anonymous visitor into a real person. With landing pages we can collect information about a visitor. We can learn about their needs and interests with this information and lead them through the buyer’s journey. Building conversion paths is a key step as a marketer. This will help the process and make it easier for visitors to navigate and become leads.
The three building blocks to building a successful conversion page include a call-to-action (CTA), a landing page, and a thank you page. A CTA will catch the visitor’s attention and bring them to a landing page. After they have entered their information into the form, they are then led to the thank you page where they can receive the offer.
What is a call-to-action? A button or image placed on pages with the sole purpose driving visitors to your landing page. Can be placed on different pages within your site.
After we have attracted the buyer persona, we will guide them to make a sale. In the awareness stage the visitor is discovering your site for the first time. The consideration stage is next and this is where the visitor is learning more information about your company. Finally, in the decision stage they are getting all the information they need about the product or service you offer that will help them decide whether or not they should buy the product.
At each stage of the buyer’s journey, the three building blocks (CTA, landing page, and a thank you page) should be featured. They should be different to ensure that they fit each stage. Think about what you can offer them at each stage that will benefit them. Remember to keep the visitor’s wants and needs a priority. Without the visitors we have no reason to exist. This is stressed throughout the entire HubSpot certification courses.